Dream and Do
Do you have a dream?
Maybe you dream of writing a book or learning another language? Maybe you dream of going back to school or changing your profession? Maybe you want to start your own business or learn a new hobby?
When are you working on this dream? Where do you go to work on this dream? Who is supporting you while you work on this dream? Are you full of doubt about achieving this dream? ​If your last three answers were never, nowhere, nobody, full of doubt, then you need this program!
With our Dream and Do program, we welcome you (our "Doers") into our creative and inspiring space at The Campus to work on your dream. The monthly membership provides you full access to our Campus for workspace and inspiration as well as:
Access to the community of other Doers for connection, learning, and networking
Weekly planning and accountability meetings with Wildewood leaders
Free admission to Wildewood’s monthly speaking event
A seat at the monthly roundtable of success stories